Good, Bad and Ugly Telco and Digital ID Innovation people, their stories and their music in 20 minutes - Top 1% Engagement on LinkedIn
We talk with people who deal with real Telco Innovation everyday and hear how they learn and succeed, what motivates them and what music they like - all in 20 minutes - Rated in the Top 1% Engagement on LinkedIn

Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
There was very big news in the Messaging Industry last week, after a decade since Apple launched iMessage and Google had standardised on RCS, Apple announced that it plans to support RCS in 2024. This will mean messaging interoperability between iOS and Android phones. But what does it mean for the A2P or Rich Messaging Business (RBM)?
We reached out to Bill Dudley of Sinch to get his informed opinion about what it means. Bill has a very good analysis of what we know, what it means and what it could ultimately mean.
We talked about
The probably timing of the roll out
The support for Universal Profile
The impact of the EU DMA Act
While P2P is announced, what does it mean for A2P (or C2B strictly)
The future of SMS – is there one?
We want to thank Bill for coming on as a very informed guest at short notice to give us all a heads up on the enormous implications of this shift in the market.
Bill can be contacted at the following:
Lyrics for Bull Mountain Ridge
Music and Lyrics © Paul Thorn
Stone Fox Dan was a Romeo manMade a livin’ sellin’ marijuanaHe went around turnin’ all the good lookin’ women onHe wore a feather in his hat and drove a big black CaddyHe was always lookin’ for a partyHe played Big Daddy to the women when the men wasn’t homeWell now, Bull Mountain Hawk was the cock of the walkHe said Stone Fox Dan needed killin’When he got to drinkin’, he was meaner than a copperheadHe was leader of the clan…took the law in his handsWhen he caught Stone Fox with his womanGuess who’s sleepin’ at the bottom of the cold waterbed?And the Hawk said, “Take him on down below the Bull Mountain BridgeTie his hands and throw him in the riverYou might as well give him his farewell party night”He said, “Knock him in the head…he’s better off deadBreak his arms and throw him in the riverIf anybody asks, just tell `em he committed suicide”And the Hawk said, “Take him on down below the Bull Mountain BridgeTie his hands and throw him in the riverYou might as well give him his farewell party night”He said, “Knock him in the head…he’s better off deadBreak his arms and throw him in the riverIf anybody asks, just tell `em he committed suicide”And the Hawk said, “Take him on down below the Bull Mountain BridgeTie his hands and throw him in the riverYou might as well give him his farewell party night”He said, “Knock him in the head…he’s better off deadBreak his arms and throw him in the riverIf anybody asks, just tell `em he committed suicide”“If anybody asks, just tell `em he committed suicide”

Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
We have a great guest with Patrick Lopez, Telecoms Analyst, who provides us with insights into how Mobile Operators can fully exploit the opportunities provided by 5G Network-as-a-Service
Patrick has vast amount of experience in Telco and Cloud implementation and he advises on strategy - his experience includes working as a vendor, an operator and an analyst
Among the topics discussed we cover
How Slicing, RIC and Network-as-a-Service enables Enterprise Customers to build new Services for their particular requirements
Why the RIC is the key gateway to enabling this
How, in North America, one particular customer is already driving the Operators to adopt to these requirements
Patrick also talks about his Report “Open RAN, RIC and Apps”, which is available now with a one day workshop, check out his website
As always, we finish on how Patrick enjoys his music and he plays out with a classic song, certainly one of the best in my opinion.
Patrick can be contacted at:

Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
We’re delighted to talk to John Strand of Strand Consult, based in Copenhagen Denmark. John has extensive experience of providing Consulting services to the Mobile Industry,
John relates the intriguing story of Huawei and TDC in Denmark and how pressure was applied to the Danish Government to lobby TDC to choose Huawei Infrastructure.
To the question “Is Huawei Dangerous?” John has a very simple example of the answer.
We also cover the origins of the Premium SMS industry and we end on John’s view of what the future is for the Mobile Industry. John’s opinion is that the current business model is not sustainable and it needs to be reinvented.
Finally, we learn how John relaxes and we talk about his favourite music, and, as always, we play out on a song that means a lot to him.
John is a lively and informed guest and we had good fun recording the podcast. Enjoy!
The Good, Bad and Ugly Telecom Podcast is Sponsored by Nettzer -
Digital ID, Authentication and Onboarding

Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
We have a great guest with Luke Kehoe, Telecoms Analyst, who provides us with an insightful analysis of the Irish Telecoms Market. The issues faced by the Operators in the Irish Market are common to Operators in all Mature markets which makes the analysis interesting
Among the topics discussed we cover
The 5G Investment Cycle
The opportunities of O-RAN
Industry Consolidation
Who will win between the Mobile Industry and the Tech Giants?
As always, we finish on how Luke enjoys his spare time, he has a surprising sport, and he plays out with a classic Indie Rock song.
Thanks for coming on the Pod Luke, Luke can be contacted at:
The Good, Bad and Ugly Telecom Podcast is Sponsored by Nettzer -
Digital ID, Authentication and Onboarding

Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
It was great to catch up with our friend Bill Dudley of Sinch today. Bill always has great insights into the Messaging and CPaaS Industries.
Bill and his colleagues have developing the 10 Digit Long Code (10DLC) service for Non-Consumer to Consumer messaging in the North American market under the auspices of the CTIA, and he explains this development and the technical and legal issues behind it.
10 DLC has enabled a new and fast-growing market for SMEs and Mom and Pop businesses to easily and cheaply contact their customers while liberating them from expensive Short Codes.
Bill talks through the development of The Campaign Registry (TCR) and the interaction with Brands and Campaigns, resulting in hundreds of thousands of Campaigns now being registered.
As always in our Podcasts, the play-out song is the Guest’s Choice and Bill plays out with an artist I hadn’t previously been aware of, but I found to him to be different and enjoyable.
Enjoy the Podcast.
Bill can be contacted on LinkedIn:
Or on his Website:
The Good, Bad and Ugly Telecom Podcast is Sponsored by Nettzer -
Digital ID, Authentication and Onboarding

Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
We are delighted to present Michael Becker (Advisor, Author and Speaker) as a Special Guest on the Good, Bad and Ugly Innovation Podcast
Michael is a World Class Expert in Online ID and Authentication and is a deep thinker about the possibilities, the pitfalls and the potential of Online ID.
He talks through the possibilities and the pitfalls in this tour-de-force Podcast.
We cover a wide range of topics in this Podcast:
The Exponential Change that is happening now
The Three domains interested in ID and their interactions: Personal, Private Institutions (Enterprises, Charities), Public Institutions (Government)
Value in the transactions between domains, but there is also value for everyone at the Intersection of the Domains – the Community Commons
All Domains can have self-interest as well as a Greater Good interest.
“Meeting of the Waters” – an analogy of the Top Down interest in ID / Authentication / Personal Date and the Bottom Up – or personal interests and concerns
Upcoming EIDAS Regulations
Smart Wallets
Control of your personal reputation – the algorithm is in charge of your reputation, not you
Identity Theft, Fraud – this is the only area that we are protected today.
The real and tragic Costs of Identity Fraud
Costs of too much Self-sovereignty can also lead to anarchy and chaos.
The middle path – The Identity Nexus – where Individuals, Private and Public Institutions meet.
The Identity Nexus Equation
Michael’s new term, and this is my favorite – Phigiverse, the intersection of the Physical and Digital Worlds!!
I’m sure you’ll find this Podcast as interesting and stimulating as I did listening to Michael
Hear more from Michael at the Mobile Ecosystem Forum event in London on the 25th May
Register for the Mobile Ecosystem Forum – MEF Connections ID and Auth Event on the 25th May here:
The event is Hybrid (In person and Online) and FREE.
The Good, Bad and Ugly Telecom Podcast is Sponsored by Nettzer
Digital ID, Authentication and Onboarding

Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
We’re delighted to have Eileen Carroll on the Podcast this week, Eileen is CEO of Púca (business SMS Messaging) and a Co-Founder of Prommt (Remote Payment Communications)
Eileen has extensive business experience and talks about how both businesses are targeted and how both are scaling by focusing on different markets.
In her spare time, Eileen admits to being a bit of a nerd (aren’t we all !?) and is also interested in a wide range of music, her choice of the playout song will probably surprise you. A very interesting podcast listening to Eileen’s experiences and insights, enjoy.
Secure, Trusted, Branded Payment Requests
Trusted Enterprise Messaging
The Good, Bad and Ugly Telecom Podcast is Sponsored by
Nettzer -
Digital ID, Authentication and Onboarding

Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
We’re delighted to have the Chief Product Officer at Cubic Telecom, Cian Ó Cuinneagáin talking about IoT as it relates to high value Mobile Assets, particularly cars. Cubic is a supplier to a number of large customers including Audi.
Cian covers the issues of regulatory, different administrative and regulatory regimes and how these affect issues such as SIM and Cloud Storage options. We also cover the issues that are driving Mobile IoT and we cover new markets such as Agricultural Equipment and Drones.
When he relaxes Cian has some very energetic options, such as cycling, running and kayaking. Finally as always, Cian picks a classic song to play out on. I found it very interesting to hear from Cian who is a clear communicator and he explains the IoT Market issues very well. Enjoy.
On a business note:
I’ll be at the Mobile Ecosystem Forum event in Dublin on the 18th and 19th of April. The event is free and is both Live and Online and you can access the Registration Link here and on Linked In. I’ll be appearing on a Fraud Panel talking about the Threats of the False Positive kindly sponsored by Lanck Telecom and moderated by one and only James Williams.
I look forward to seeing you there.

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
We’re delighted to have Roslyn Layton, who is an expert on Regulation and Strategy, Roslyn has studied numerous countries and has looked at the actual outcomes from Regulatory Regimes as opposed to the desired outcomes.
Roslyn puts forward the idea that that rigorous regulation is reducing consumer choice of services and price points, in Europe in particular.
Roslyn is a very clear and persuasive communicator and I found her ideas and examples to be very interesting and challenging to my assumptions.
Finally, as always we end on a personal note and Roslyn nominates a classic Rock n’ Roll song that we all know.
On a business note:
I’ll be at the Mobile Ecosystem Forum event in Dublin on the 18th and 19th of April. The event is free and is both Live and Online and you can access the Registration Link here and on Linked In. I’ll be appearing on a Fraud Panel talking about the Threats of the False Positive kindly sponsored by Lanck Telecom and moderated by one and only James Williams.
I look forward to seeing you there.

Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Welcome to the Good, the Bad and the Ugly Telecoms Podcast and we’re delighted to have Scott Bewley of pwc as our Guest.
Scott has extensive and wide experience of working in the Mobile Industry both with Operators and with Vendors, he is now Director of Technology with pwc and providing solutions to his customers.
Scott gives his views on the evolution of the Mobile Industry, the promise of 5G, and the IoT Use Case, and the effect of the SaaS model on the industry and what he is doing today for his customers.
As a Kiwi, Scott tells us his story of how he ended up in Ireland, how, while in Africa he nearly landed in the Victoria Falls and we have a few laughs about the All Blacks and their impact on the game and his family.
We open the Podcast with a vintage Racal Vodafone Ad from the 1980s – enjoy!